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VLIXCO LUXURY established in 2014. We offer a wide selection of high quality replica clothing, shoes, bags, wallets, watches, and more, shipping worldwide. At VLIXCO, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality replicas on the market. While we cannot guarantee that our products will be 100% identical to authentic versions, we can assure you that they are of the best quality available. In fact, we go above and beyond to carefully compare and conduct quality control checks on all of our products, even if it costs more than average replicas. We can assure you that the product you see is exactly what you will receive. Please be sure to carefully review the details before making a purchase.

If you have a specific product in mind that you do not see on our website, please do not hesitate to contact us on WhatsApp (+62 877-5224-9723) or Instagram (@vlxc_lux) to request it. We will do our best to find the best quality version available. We carry over 20+ designer brands and are constantly adding new products to our inventory. Follow us on Instagram to stay updated on all of our new arrivals.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Don't forget to subscribe for more notifications and exclusive promotions.

Please note that once payment is received, orders will be shipped within 3-5 days if the product is in stock. If an item is out of stock, there may be a wait for it to be restocked or for an alternative product to be sourced. Delivery may take up to 14 days due to the current global situation with COVID-19, for a total of approximately 17 days from the date of purchase. We will do our best to get your order to you as quickly as possible. It is common for products to sell out, especially with our wide selection of over 5,000 items, and they may need to be restocked. Thank you and happy shopping!

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